How Complex is a Protein or Drug Molecule? How Robust is it? We Measure it.

We do it using a new form of AI called Artificial Intuition.

Based on Molecular Dynamics Simulation, we measure the complexity and robustness of drugs and proteins.


The complexity and robustness of molecules may be used to provide a novel approach to Molecule Ranking and Risk Stratification.

The analysis of molecule’s complexity reveals how its structure encodes information and provides new insights into its functioning.

The structure of information and its distribution within a molecule - drug or protein - may be done at atomic or aminoacid level.


Drug complexity is measured combining QCM technology and Molecular Dynamics Simulation.

QCM – Quantitative Complexity Management

Our Service

Using your Molecular Dynamics Simulations data we determine its Complexity Landscape, its Complexity Map, and breakdown of information content at atomic level.


Since 2005 Ontonix has pioneered the quantification of the complexity of natural and man-made systems and processes.